
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2009-11-25 浏览次数:7




项目全英文教学,由复旦大学和巴黎政治学院的国际关系专家共同组成的团队为本项目提供了严谨的学术保障。报名者需有本科学位,并满足规定的英语水平要求:雅思7分(IELTS 7),其中每个部分的成绩不应低于6.5分,或托福网络考试成绩100分(100 TOEFL IBT),或国际交流英语测评考试900分(TOEIC: Test of English for International Communication 900),或获得剑桥高级英语证书(Cambridge CAE)




The school of international relations and public affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University and Science-po in Paris decided to launch a dul-degree master program in the subject of international politics specilized in Europe and Asia in Global Affairs. It starts to recruit students worldwide. The program consists of two years training. The first year is in Paris, and the second year in Fudan University in Shanghai. Upon reaching all requirements students can get two degree diploma from both Fudan and Science-po.

This dual degree is available to all students who are interested in analysing European and Asian studies from both comparative and international relations perspectives.

For those who intend to focus on the first dimension, the dual degree provides the framework to compare Asian and European dynamics from an institutional (regionalism), geo-strategic (security issues), or historic (history in regards to memory) angle.

For those who prefer to focus on the second, the dual degree will look at how these two regions integrate into the global system and how they interact with third parties such as the United States. It will also help to understand the different approaches Asians and Europeans have regarding questions of world governance (financial stability, climate change).

The European Union sees Asia as the new frontier of its international policies due to the important challenges it faces on an economic (search for new markets) and a geopolitical level. East Asia also regards Europe as an important dialogue partner. This dual degree is aimed, at the same time, at European specialists who would like to deepen their understanding of Europe through comparing it to Asia, at Asian specialists who aspire to strengthen their understanding of Asia in relation to other regions, at International relations specialists eager to acquire a more specific insight on the challenges and content of Europe-Asia relations.

All courses are taught in English. The students enrolled in this dual degree will benefit from the research network between Sciences Po and Fudan University in terms of international relations. All applicants should hold an undergraduate diploma or the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree, with language proficiency tests of IELTS 7 with no sub-score under 6.5 or 100 TOEFL IBT or TOEIC 900 or Cambridge CAE. http://asia-centre.sciences-po.fr/programs/programs_dual_degrees_fudan.html

For further information, please call +86-21-55665340, orliuqianjie@fudan.edu.cn. You can also log on the enrolling website of Science-po athttp://sciencespo.topapply.com.

Add: Dual_Degree_SciencesPo_Fudan_2010.pdf

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