毕业生代表发言 2014届复旦大学-法国巴黎政治大学双硕士学位项目留学生 Alexandra DE SCHONEN

发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2015-03-20 浏览次数:1

毕业生代表发言 2014届复旦大学-法国巴黎政治大学双硕士学位项目留学生 Alexandra DE SCHONEN

作者:管理员 发表于:2015年3月20日 阅读量 323

大家好,Dear Professors, Friends and Family ,


My name is Alexandra, I am a franco-irish and my Chinese name is “申霞”. Having studied Chinese for the past eight years, I finally I joined Fudan for my final year of studies. I came to Shanghai thanks to a double degree with Sciences Po in Paris, with a program called “Europe and Asia in Global Affairs” – not only did I learn about Asia, but I also learnt about Europe from a further perspective.

By studying in such an environment, I hope to have contributed, in a small way, to building stronger relations between Europe and Asia, as two striving regions of the world. Because I think it is crucial for China’s future development to learn from us, I also think that the old continent can be inspired by the energy and power deployed by China to grow. I am confident that my course has had a real impact on me and my classmates, and hope that Fudan will continue to inspire us in such a way.

Now I switch to English, so that some of you can at least catch a part of what I say!

An old Chinese proverb says: “A nation’s treasure is in its scholars.” It could not be truer, especially by looking at us today. We are China’s treasure, and also our own countries’.

Fudan University welcomed its first international students in the 1950’s and we can all imagine what grueling experience it would have been like at that time. Today, many things have changes, The University, the country and the students. We are currently one of the largest international student communities in China. As a student in Fudan, I discovered an open and influential university, that not only gathers the brightest minds of China, but that also succeeds in teaching the international elite to a better understanding of China and Asia. During my year of study in this university, I was deeply impressed by my fellow classmates and their energy, curiosity and passion for their academic endeavors. For example, with my class, we travelled to Korea for a workshop with students of Yonsei University and the Keio University, working together to solve regional problems!

Why are we gathered here today, as graduates of Fudan? We all want to be more knowledgeable about China, may it be politics, law, business, culture or philosophy. We have succeeded, despite many barriers, to graduate with more knowledge than the day we stepped into this school. We may not know it all, however we do know enough to spread the word: coming back to our countries, we can put a stop to clichés on China, reassure about China, and bring some our experience back home to be profitable to many more. One of the world’s oldest civilizations and most fascinating history has yet to be understood by the world, so it is our job to make the world better understand China. We need to become this generation that can facilitate relations with China, deepen them and bring them to such a stage that there is no looking back.

Moreover, we belong to a generation that has never been more educated, that has never spoken so many languages and traveled so vastly. Even more, never in history have Chinese students spoken better English, never have there been so many foreign students in China, and never have exchanges between the kingdom of the middle with the rest of the word have been more mutually enriching.

Our experience in Fudan must be a stepping stone for us to create more link and stronger ties with each other, may they be with china but also with our own various countries. Because our classes have been filled with so many nationalities, we have taught each other to put ourselves in each other’s shoes, and not to remain stuck in our own perspective. Let’s not forget that when we go home: our diversity of minds is an asset and we should always seek to push ourselves to that goal.

Finally, on a lighter note, I would like to give you a small personal advice, if you will let me: Keep in touch. It is something we always say as we part, and we feel like friendships that have grown with such intensity here, in Shanghai, will last forever. But please, send messages to your friends, to your professors, to your classmates, give them news of yourself and ask of theirs. Long lasting friendships demand effort, and this effort is worthwhile. I cannot emphasize enough to nourish the great friendships you have started here.

Finishing off I would like to thank Fudan University and all of you present to have made our ‘China experience’ unforgettable. We will all take home a bit of China in our hearts, but I hope China will also keep us in its heart.

Thank you.

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