暑期加拿大政治暑期研修游学班 欢迎同学们参加

发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2016-03-24 浏览次数:0

        加拿大女王大学政治学系今年暑期会组织加拿大政治暑期研修游学班。两周的研修班将会请到有关专家系统讲解加拿大政治、社会与文化。同时会安排学员到多伦多、蒙特利尔、渥太华、尼亚加拉瀑布等地访问考察。 对于有兴趣有条件的同学,这是一个与女王大学及相关学者建立联系的绝好机会。学员还将同澳大利亚国立大学的同学们同堂学习交流。 本次活动的组织者为Jonathan Rose教授,他曾于2015年来复旦讲学。

具体信息及申请见下面的链接:http://www.queensu.ca/politics/summer-institute       QPSSI Pamphlet

The Queen’s Political Studies Summer Institute (QPSSI) is the first ever political studies summer institute in Canada. Through hands-on learning, students will explore Canadian society, culture, and politics. The program combines both classroom programming and educational field trips to allow students to experience Canadian life. Additionally, students will visit some of Canada’s monumental landmarks. The program includes a trip to Ottawa, the nation’s capital; Ontario’s capital Toronto; historic Montreal, and the world famous Niagara Falls.

Students will also have the unique experience of meeting other international students. The program will be accepting students from China as well as multiple of our partner universities in Australia providing an exciting and diverse learning environment for all students.

QPSSI 2016 will take place from July 9th-24th, 2016.  Students who are affiliated with our partner Universities and can pass the English language proficiency test will receive course credit upon completion of the program.

Students should apply via the Queen’s portal (link to follow) by April 15, 2016.

The 2016 program fee will be $3,500 (CDN) for students from China receiving a certificate and $5,500 (CDN) for Australian students who will receive course credit. The programme fee includes tuition, on campus accommodation, field trips, breakfast and lunch, transportation while in Canada, program materials  including a shirt and a full gym membership. Chinese students will receive a certificate of completion.

View the brochure for the Summer Institute and view the proposed itinerary (subject to availability of speakers).

The brochure is also available in Chinese.

If you have any questions, email us at POLSInstitute@queensu.ca.

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