
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2017-04-24 浏览次数:1









  1. 欧洲一体化研究(一体化理论与实践、欧元区及货币政策、申根区、经济和贸易一体化等)
  2. 欧盟外交(包括外交决策、欧美关系、中欧关系、欧俄关系等)
  3. 欧盟在国际组织中的作用(如联合国、G20等)
  4. 欧盟在全球治理中的作用(气候变化、难民问题、人道主义援助、叙利亚问题等)





本次工作坊限额10位在读博士生。每位投稿者在5月14日前,提交一篇5000字左右的中文或英文论文(中文文章请参考《欧洲研究》体例,英文文章请参考Chinese Political Science Review体例),由工作坊组委会邀请至少三名资深专家担任匿名评审,评选出10篇参会论文。入选者在工作坊中对论文进行15分钟中文或英文演讲(同论文语言一致),由评审专家进行点评并给予修改意见。


工作坊将评出两至三篇优秀论文,在进一步修改后将有机会推荐给Chinese Political Science Review或其他国内知名期刊,并给予每篇2500元人民币奖励。同时也鼓励其他参会论文修改后发表。


5月14日 论文初稿递交截止

5月29日 通知录取结果

6月12日 工作坊举行




王士琛 shichen.wang@etu.unige.ch (2017年5月14日截止)


Call for Papers: EU Studies Doctoral Students Paper Workshop


Fudan University School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA)

Fudan University Centre for China-EU Studies


Shanghai Institute for European Studies

Fudan University Centre for China-EU People-to-People Exchange Studies

Fudan University Centre for China-UK People-to-People Exchange Studies


  1. European integration (European integration theory and practice/Euro zone/monetary policy/Schengen/economic integration)
  2. EU foreign policy (institutions/decision-making/EU-US/China/Russia relations)
  3. EU in international organisations (UN, G20)
  4. EU in global governance (climate change/refugee crisis/humanitarian aid/Syrian crisis)

And other topics related to the EU in the discipline of international relations.


Doctoral students majoring in international relations/international politics/diplomacy in Shanghai.


Applicants must submit a full paper (around 5000 words) in Chinese or English before the workshop (English paper please follow Chinese Political Science Review reference style). The organizers will invite at least three professors as anonymous reviewers to select the best 10 papers. Participants have to deliver a presentation (15 min). Professors will comment on the presentation afterwards.


Two or three BEST PAPER awards will be announced at the end of the workshop. These papers will have the opportunity to be recommended for publication in Chinese Political Science Review or other Chinese peer-review journal. In addition, the two or three BEST PAPERS will be awarded 2500 RMB each.


14 May, Paper submission

29 May, Results announced

12 June, Workshop and presentations


No registration fee. Luncheons will be provided for paper-presenters. Participants need to cover their own transportation cost.

 Paper submission:

Mr. Shichen Wang, shichen.wang@etu.unige.ch (14 May 2017)

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