
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2017-11-21 浏览次数:1








  1. 中国政治与社会的现代化发展经验;
  2. 欧美发达国家的治理趋势与问题;
  3. 发展中世界政治发展与国家治理的挑战;
  4. 技术创新条件下的政治与公共管理问题;
  5. 国家、社会与市场关系的治理;
  6. 政治学与公共管理研究的方法和创新。

第二届“国家治理深度论坛”得到《当代中国》(Journal of Contemporary China)、《北大政治学评论》、《复旦政治学评论》、《复旦公共行政评论》、《中国政治科学评论》(Chinese Political Science Review)、Palgrave英文书系Governing China in the 21 Century等期刊和丛书的支持。参会论文可用中文或英文撰写,会议工作语言为中文。会议录用论文将择优进入以上刊物及其专刊的评审。






  1. 会议特约支持刊物
  2. 论坛组委会秘书处
  3. 《当代中国》专刊征稿启事
  • 会议特约支持刊物

《当代中国》(Journal of Contemporary China)(主编:赵穗生教授)


《中国政治科学评论》(Chinese Political Science Review)



Palgrave书系Governing China in the 21 Century

  • 论坛组委会秘书处

复旦大学:敬乂嘉 包刚升

北京大学:陆  军 张长东

秘书:彭丽      会议邮件:ccpds@fudan.edu.cn            联系电话:021-65642472

  • 《当代中国》专刊征稿启事

China’s Modernization and Governance in a Comparative Perspective

Call for Proposal by the Journal of Contemporary China

Guest-edited by Yijia Jing

China’s modernization was triggered by national crises since the middle of 19th century. Social transformation, industrialization, and state building were mingled in a vehement process of western-oriented learning and modernization. Since PRC was established in 1949, China’s modernization strategy has experienced a shift from an integrated planning system to gradual marketization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). China’s economic “miracle” and continuing sociopolitical stability have created a new demand of interpretation and theorization that may challenge and enrich existing theories and knowledge of modernization and governance and that may refuse China simply as a unique and ephemeral case. In the CPC’s report to its 19th National Congress held in Oct 2017, it is asserted that “…the Socialism with Chinese characteristics…enriches the path of developing countries toward modernization, offering a new option for countries and nations that want to speed up their development as well as retain their autonomy.”

China’s modernization highlights the central role of the party-state in introducing, coordinating, and controlling changes and innovations. Evolution of China’s governance system has been shaped by its response to a dual demand for social changes and capacities of the government to manage. While this has been a consistent dilemma for developing countries since the WWII, China’s solution and performance demand systematic exploration from a comparative perspective.

The Journal of Contemporary China (Hereafter JCC) proposes to organize a special issue on “China’s Modernization and Governance in a Comparative Perspective” with a purpose to unveil China’s governance response to its modernization mandates and to evaluate and explain its success and failures. Both macro and micro level studies are invited to disclose the factors, forces and mechanisms that have worked together to release the tensions in China’s fast transition toward modernization and shaped its continuous evolution. Both conceptual and empirical studies are welcome. Topics may be from but not limited to the following areas:

  • Reform of state sector economy and state-owned enterprises;
  • Capacity building of the Party-State;
  • Local governance reforms (provinces, municipalities or counties);
  • Conflict resolution and social stabilization;
  • S&T innovations, big data, and governance;
  • Government responsiveness and resilience to demands and challenges;
  • Governing relations between the state, market, and society;
  • China’s governance in comparative perspectives.

Please submit your abstracts to the “Peking University-Fudan University In-Depth Forum on National Governance”, INDICATING in the email subject and the abstract that you want your paper to be considered for the special issue. The abstracts shall be in English in principle, with a maximum of 500 words, plus a maximum of five indicative references (not a full reference list) and five keywords. It is possible that very excellent original Chinese papers can be considered for publication after being translated into English.

Based on the full papers and presentations, the guest-editor(s) will invite some authors to revise the papers and to participate in another workshop organized at the Dr. Seaker Chan Center of Fudan University to present their revised papers. Papers that pass the final review will be accepted for publication on the JCC.

About the Journal

Journal of Contemporary China is the only English language journal edited in North America that provides exclusive information about contemporary Chinese affairs for scholars, business people and government policy-makers. It publishes articles of theoretical and policy research and research notes, as well as book reviews. The journal’s fields of interest include economics, political science, law, culture, literature, business, history, international relations, sociology and other social sciences and humanities.

The 2016 Impact Factor of the JCC is 1.350, 5/69 in the Area Studies category.

The founding and current editor of the JCC is Professor Suisheng Zhao at the University of Denver.

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