
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2015-03-20 浏览次数:2


作者:管理员 发表于:2015年3月20日 阅读量 904


Exchanging at Bocconi University was an unique experience. Indeed,it was a fabulous opportunity which has led me to discover a new country withdifferent values, culture and people.

The university is very well organized and the personnel is strive toensure that each exchange students are feeling comfortable in their new life.We have the possibility to chose between different courses which is veryappreciated. It is an opportunity for us to experience new subjects, outside ofour main field of study. Also, Italian courses are offered by the universityfor a decent price. It is an occasion to meet new people and to learn a newlanguage.

Besides university, life is Milan is quite easy. The city is small,compared to Shanghai, and offers various culture activities. It is also veryconvenient to travel from Milan around the continent and lot of students weretravelling most weekends in another capital of Europe.

For my part, I wanted to make the most of Italy. Therefore, I havebeen travelling to several italian cities, among them Roma, Venezia, Como,Torino. Attached could be find some pictures.

I am very grateful to the school of international relations andpublic affairs of Fudan University for letting me the opportunity to studyabroad for a semester.

I would recommend it to any students.

Grazie Mille!

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