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庄梅茜,中国传媒大学学士,香港中文大学硕士,澳洲国立大学政治学博士,浦江人才计划入选者。研究兴趣包括政治社会学,政治文化与政治心理,草根政治与基层治理。现教授《政治学原理》和《政治人类学》两门本科课程。论文发表在Journal of Conflict Resolution, Politics & SocietyJournal of Contemporary ChinaJournal of Chinese Political ScienceSocial Science Journal, 《国外社会科学》,《中国研究》等国内外期刊。

Welcome to the website for Meixi Zhuang. 

I am an assistant professor in political science at Fudan University. My research interests include citizen politics, social activism and comparative studies of domination and resistance. As a political sociologist, I focus on grassroots politics and governance in China. One line of inquiry looks into the question of how the relatively powerless and downtrodden act on their own subordination and exploitation in less democratic environments. A second line of inquiry seeks to understand the origins and development of political inequality in human society, especially the power dynamics  between men, environment, social structure and organization of work. I use both ethnographic and quantitative methods to address these issues. My work has appeared in Journal of Conflict ResolutionPolitics and Society, and Journal of Contemporary China, etc. 

I obtained my PhD in political science (2018) from the Australian National University. I completed undergraduate studies with the highest distinction at the Communication University of China and received my Master of Arts from CUHK, where I was granted Intercultural Studies Scholarship.  In 2020, I was awarded Pujiang Talented Scholar by the Shanghai government.  

Originally from Wenzhou, I lived and worked in the UK, Australia and Hong Kong SAR. My hobbies include open-water swimming, hiking, gardening and watching wildlife. I am an amateurish ecologist. My interest in the relationship between animals, plants and environments has inspired me to combine political science and sociological theories with ecological systems models in studying humans' political behaviours. 

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会职务Social Functions
  • 亚洲政治
  • 政治心理学
  • 公民政治
  • 政治社会学
  • 暂无内容
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